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For years, my Christmas traditions involve writing a new piece for my wife, Joan. As you can see, the pieces are hymn-based; this reflects my interest in not only the tune itself, but also the hymn-text that I associate with it. I love hymn texts; they are like mini-sermons. The best ones have a lot to tell us about our relationship with God.
Some of these works were designed for use as service music; others are appropriate for recital use. My wife has used these settings for both purposes, but other organists can decide for themselves. The timings are very approximate but are listed to provide a general idea of the piece’s length. I am trying to find time to send these off to publishers; for now, please contact me if you would be interested in performing any of these works.
For the convenience of performers, the pieces are listed in alphabetical order by hymn tune title.
Power in Numbers